Tuesday, December 7, 2010

December 7, 2010

We are having a little problem lately in our house. Abby's mouth. It's got the sass in it. I think it's a toddler thing but, wow...it's starting to hurt my feelings. I got kicked yesterday. Out of anger. In the shin. It hurt. Today I wasn't allowed to sing along with Ariel in the car. I swear at lunch today she said, "whatever" to me. This is a phase right?

December 4, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

December 2, 2010

I had dinner tonight out with some girlfriends to celebrate birthdays, what is it about girls night out that is just so awesomefantasticrejuvenating? Even though we were all tired by 10 and so full we could barely move I feel like I've reconnected with my non-mommy self again, and I needed that. Being a mom is awesome but sometimes I wonder what happened to that girl who went out and danced till 4 am every weekend, is she still in here somewhere? Gosh I miss dancing, the only dancing I seem to do lately is to the Beauty and Beast soundtrack (and I have to be the Beast). Here are some photos from Abby and her dinner of champions, mac n cheese, dinosaur nuggets, and corn.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1, 2010

I'm so excited for Christmas, I love it-it's got to be my favourite time of year. My problem is I always have way to high expectations of how it's going to go. I need to lower them a bit I think. We are having it at our house this year and I can't wait to see Abby open gifts this year, she is so much older than last year (a whole year imagine that lol). Today we started celebrating by decorating gingerbread men or muffin men as Abby calls them, she watches too much Shrek.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

November 23, 2010

so...it's been a while. I'm going to try to end the year keeping up with the blog and start the new year keeping it up all year this time!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010

We went on a playdate today with some of Abby's friends. She pretty much spent the whole time like this, in time out. She actually put herself in time out in the photo. Gotta love 2 yr olds!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

For Shame!

*hanging head in shame* so...I'm really sorry blog. I haven't been keeping up. forgive me?
We have been busy, went to the Outer Banks, I've had photos sessions, life got in the way. I promise it won't happen again! lets hug it out...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 27, 2010

Abby went to the Nature Center today, but it was closed because the power is STILL out after the big storm. We "walked" around the nature (Abby whined and complained) and then walked down to the mansion. We found a bush with butterflies all over it, it was beautiful!

Monday, July 26, 2010

July 26, 2010

July 25, 2010

Abby is very into wearing "a pretty dress' right now. I have to admit I am loving it because she has so many pretty dresses (thank you Nana) and they just look so comfy to wear in this awful heat. Now if only I can get her to smile in photos once in a while...

July 24, 2010

I'm so sorry blog! I've have been neglecting you. Again. Forgive me?

Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 11, 2010

After bribing Abby with the promise of popsicles, she allowed me to take her photo.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010

Abby and I baked some blueberry muffins today. From. Scratch. I'm kind of proud.

July 6, 2010

We braved the 100 degree heat this morning to go and pick some blueberries. Abby enjoyed it and it was hard to keep her from gobbling up most of them before they hit the basket.

July 4, 2010

July 3, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010

Today was full of cake and cake and more cake. We went to the birthday celebration for our friend's twins Isa and Mia. They are so adorable and teeny, Abby was quite happy to play with and pretend to be a baby among the others. I think Abby ate her weight in cake at the party, somehow she just kept on managing to snag some more. Luckily there were no re-appearances by the cake later on. Here are some photos of our fun day...