Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May 19, 2010

Being a toddler has got to be hard, I mean you want to control everything and everyone...and yet you have no control over any of it. I need to remind myself this when I am having days when tantrums and crying are happening more often than not. By lunchtime she was all smiles again and making silly sucking straw noises so I would laugh at her, o she is so silly :) Lately I have been struggling with trying to balance out normal everyday jobs (cleaning, laundry, etc...) with feeling guilty when Abby says to me, "All done cleaning?!" because she wants me to play with her and I have to say that mommy has to clean up so we can have a nice house. I'm sure I'm only the one millionthtrillionthbazzillonth mommy to have this dilemma.
I made a delicious dinner of tortellini with spinach and cheese inside tossed with cherry tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, and basil. So. Good. I think I could eat it all. I almost did.


  1. i love the photo of her on her tummy...such a good emotion capture :)

  2. I love this grouping of pictures! Nicely done!
